I'm not quite sure what all work and no play makes a Grandmother or Grandmother aged woman, because I am not able to sit still long enough to find out. In fact, I have been busy writing online so much today that I'm about ready for another get up and move about moment.
What is it that you enjoy doing as one who works from home? I am sure if you have grandchildren, it is finding time to spend time with them. But what are your leisure activities? Do you enjoy reading? Crafting?
What is the last book that you have read? What craft project are you working on?
I do my reading in the evening before bedtime, and most evenings, if I wasn't enjoying time outdoors but sitting indoors with my husband, I crocheted while watching whatever he enjoyed on TV. There are only a few shows and movies that I really enjoy myself, but I enjoyed keeping him company. At this update some years later, I am a relatively new widow, and still keep pretty much the same schedule.
It is tempting to come in here to my laptop and spend time on my computer during the evening, but I try to make an effort not to do that, as leisure time is so important, as is unwinding during the evening hours before settling down to a good nights sleep.
Updated 11/30/18